

L&PS division has well documented Container Manual which describe the guidelines for the Container operations, equipment control, tracking and monitoring. This manual covers the prototype of various internal formats for container movement, such as off hired, loaded on vessel etc. Apart from the above manual they also have Hazardous Cargo manual which is used in consultation with IMDG Code published by IMO.

The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functionsBack

L&PS division has well documented Container Manual which describe the guidelines for the Container operations, equipment control, tracking and monitoring. This manual covers the prototype of various internal formats for container movement, such as off hired, loaded on vessel etc. Apart from the above manual they also have Hazardous Cargo manual which is used in consultation with IMDG Code published by IMO.

B&T division discharges its functions under the rules & regulations of IMO guidelines, Merchant Shipping Act, Major Port Trust Act, ISM, and ISPS codes etc. Various mandatory ship certificates are duly maintained and endorsed by certifying Authorities .IMO brought into force mandatory ISM & ISPS codes to ensure the safety, environmental protection & security aspects of ships and on board personnel. SCI implemented Safety Management System at

Company, Division & Shipboard level through documented SMS manuals, covering all elements of the ISM Code. Similarly Chartering cell has well documented Chartering Procedures for In & Out Chartering of vessels and Dry Dock cell has Dry Docking procedures for the dry docking of various categories of vessels which are being carried out at regular intervals as per guidelines specified.

The Shipbuilding & Services Department of T&OS Division follows the Guidelines/Procedure for acquisition of Newbuilding and Secondhand vessels as approved by the SCI Board, the Statutory Rules and regulations, requirements of; International Maritime Organisation (IMO), International  Labour Organisation (ILO), Flag Administration, Classification societies, Port State Control & industry practices for discharge of its functions. The Technical Services (Fleet) Department follows (i) the procedure/guidelines given in the workshop empanelment manual (ii) decision of workshop appraisal committee, workshop tariff committee and spare parts procurement committee; and (iii) Guidelines/procedure for disposal of vessels.  The Offshore services department follows the Safety Management System manual, fleet circulars & guidelines and other industry requirements for discharging its functions.

The BD&A Cell discharges its function in terms of rules and regulations issued by DPE and SCI Board.  The instructions received from Ministry of Shipping are also adhered to whilst discharging the duties.

To assist operating divisions, F&A has devised set of rules in the Accounting manual and Audit Manual which in turn define the activities of the various departments under F&A division. The departments such as Budget Finance & Treasury, Internal Audit & Accounts facilitate reporting of financial results as per SEBI/Companies Act and other Statutory requirements.

P& A division follow the guidelines given in below manuals in discharging their functions.

Shore Employees Policy Manual and the Floating Staff Personnel Manual records the Recruitment policy, Promotion policy, Transfer, Separation from service, Allowances and Benefits etc.  The CDA rules specifies guidelines for misconduct, penalties etc. for the shore        employees. The Memorandum of Agreement between the Management and Officer’s Associations states revision of pay scale and service conditions with respect to shore employees. The Memorandum of Settlement between the Management and Shore staff states revision of pay structure, DA, Fringe benefits and other service conditions with respect to shore staff employees.

Maritime Training Institute

 The following manuals are available at MTI

  • Quality manual.
  • Procedures manual.
  • Course folders.
  • Purchase Manual

Instructions from CVC

- Vigilance Manual

- Instruction issued by the Department of Public Enterprises

- Other records are obtained from various Department depending on the investigation in progress in the Vigilance Department.

P&S division follows well-documented policy guidelines laid down in the “Purchase Manual” to aid the purchase and procurement activities of the company to ensure that the same is implemented at the most competitive prices in a manner that is just, fair and adhering to all prescribed guidelines of the Corporation and requirements stipulated by the CVC guidelines compliance of D.G.S./ISO/ISPS/ISM/MARPOL/MSDS/ guidelines from time to time. It outlines the company’s purchase and procurement procedures and guidelines with corresponding Delegation of Power, whenever necessary, taking into account the statutory and legal requirements. The “Functional Guidelines” gives the guidelines for the various activities performed by departments/cells in the P & S Division such as Insurance, Agency, stores and victualling supplies, bunkers, purchase, victualling & services contracts.

The Board Secretariat adheres to the rules and regulations which are provided in the various Acts. The Board Secretariat also is guided by the DOPO, which as set of rules and regulations.

For all procurements, IT Department is guided by the procedure laid down in the Purchase Manual of SCI. It is also governed by the procedure laid down in the DOPO for approval of purchase of goods and services.

List of Manuals in ISM & ISPS Cell:                    

Company SMS Policy Manual


Company SMS Procedure Manual


Shipboard SMS Manual for various ship-types


Fleet Circulars (Case Studies)


Fleet Circulars (Guidelines)


Ship Security Plans for each ship


IMS Apex Manual


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - B&T


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - L&PS


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - T&OS


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - P&A-FPD


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - P&A-SPA


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - P&S


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - F&A


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - Chennai


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - Delhi


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - Kolkata


IMS Divisional Procedure Manual - Port Blair


IMS Divisional Procedural Manual - IT


IMS Divisional Procedural Manual - MTI, Powai


IMS Divisional Procedural Manual - BS
